Sir Duke - Факты о песне. Stevie Wonder, текст песни.


« Stevie Wonder

Sir Duke — Stevie Wonder

Интересные факты о песне

Факт №4441

Песня 1976 года посвящена умершим к тому времени джазовым музыкантам - Дюку Эллингтону, Луи Армстронгу, Каунту Бэйси, Гленну Миллеру и Элле Фитцджеральд.

Добавил: Андрей Домненко


Факт №4442

Эта песня входила в репертуар Джо Дассена. Ее он исполнял на французском языке , и в его интерпретации песня называлась "La musique c'est le monde des fous".

Добавил: Андрей Домненко


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Текст песни

Music is a world within itself
With a language we all understand
With an equal opportunity
For all to sing, dance and clap their hands
But just because a record has a groove
Don't make it in the groove
But you can tell right away at letter A
When the people start to move

They can feel it all over
They can feel it all over people
They can feel it all over
They can feel it all over people

Music knows it is and always will
Be one of the things that life just won't quit
But here are some of music's pioneers
That time will not allow us to forget
For there's Basie, Miller, Satchmo
And the king of all Sir Duke
And with a voice like Ella's ringing out
There's no way the band can lose

You can feel it all over
You can feel it all over people
You can feel it all over
You can feel it all over people

You can feel it all over
You can feel it all over people
You can feel it all over
You can feel it all over people

You can feel it all over
You can feel it all over people
You can feel it all over
You can feel it all over people

You can feel it all over
You can feel it all over people
You can feel it all over
I can feel it all over-all over now people

Can't you feel it all over
Come on let's feel it all over people
You can feel it all over
Everybody-all over people


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