Night Of The Hunter - Факты о песне. 30 Seconds to Mars, текст песни.


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Night Of The Hunter — 30 Seconds to Mars

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Факт №3915

В песне Night Of The Hunter, девушка говорит, что "один, два, три, пять" вместо "один, два, три, четыре" Потому что 1x2x3x5 = 30.

Добавил: Екатерина


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Текст песни

Night of the hunter

(La nuit du chasseur)
I was born of the womb of a poisonous man,
Beaten and broken and chased from the land.
But I rise up above it,
High up above it
And see.

I was hung from a tree made of tongues of the weak,
The branches, the bones of the liars and thieves.
Rise up above it,
High up above it
And see.

Pray to your God,
Open your heart.
Whatever you do
Don't be afraid of the dark.
Cover your eyes,
The Devil's inside.

One night of the hunter,
One day I will get revenge.
One night to remember,
One day it'll all just end.

(Une, deux, trois, cinq)
Blessed by a bitch from a bastard seed,
Pleasure to meet you but better to bleed.
Rise, I will rise, I will rise.

Skinned her alive, ripped her heart,
Scattered her ashes, buried her heart.
Rise up above it,
High above it
And see.

Pray to your God,
Open your heart.
Whatever you do
Don't be afraid of the dark.
Cover your eyes,
The Devil's inside.

One night of the hunter,
One day I will get revenge.
One night to remember,
One day it'll all just end.

Honest to God,
I will break your heart.
Tear you to pieces
And rip you apart.

One night of the hunter,
One day I will get revenge.
One night to remember,
One day it'll all just end.


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